SHELL GOLD / SHELL SILVER – Genuine Shell Gold 23.75 carat and Genuine Shell Silver 999,9 fineness were delivered in shell halves in former times. Shell Gold or Silver is genuine powdered gold or silver, which is dissolved in gum arabic and formed into little circular shapes. It is water-soluble and applied with a brush.
Shell Gold and Shell Silver is available in plastic containers and sizes Small, Middle and Large.
PAINTERS SHELL GOLD / PAINTERS SHELL SILVER – Painters Shell Gold is made form 23,75 carat gold powder and metallic pigments. Painters Shell Silver is made of Silver 999,9 fineness and metallic pigments. Products are bound in gum arabic and are water-soluble.
Painters Shell Gold 23,75 carat available in 4 gram and 8 gram trading units.
Painters Shell Silver 999,9 fineness available in 8 gram trading units.
IMITATION GOLD LEAF – Also known as Schlagmetall, Dutch Metal or Composition Gold is a alloy of copper and zinc (Example Colour 2 1/2 Middle Gold – 85% copper and 15% zinc). Colour 2 1/2 closely mimic genuine gold leaf. These metals are suited for interior applications. Any Imitation Gold Leaf will tarnish over time and will need to be protected by a varnish.
Imitation Gold Leaf is available in size 160 x 160 mm und following tones:
Colour 1 Red Gold / Colour 2 Dark Gold / Colour 2 1/2 Middle Gold / Colour 3 Light Gold
COMPOSITION GOLD – Composition Gold is a alloy of copper and zinc and is only applicable in the interior field and has to been protected against tarnishing. Alloy colour 2 1/2 Middle Gold – 85% copper and 15% zinc.
Composition Gold is available in 25 leaves and following types:
Colour 2 1/2, size 140 x 140 mm, loose / Colour 2 1/2, size 140 x 140 mm, transfer/patent
Colour 2 1/2, size 100 x 100 mm, loose / Farbe 2 1/2, size 95 x 95 mm, loose
IMITATION SILVER LEAF – Also known as Aluminium Leaf, is pure beaten aluminium and availble in size 160 x 160 mm. It can stay unsealed.
ALUMINIUM LEAF – It is made of pure aluminium and also known and traded as Imitiaton Silver Leaf.
Aluminium Leaf contains 25 leaves in a booklet and is available in following types:
Size 140 x 140 mm, loose / Size 140 x 140 mm, transfer/patent
Size 100 x 100 mm, loose / Size 95 x 95 mm, loose
COPPER LEAF – Copper leaf is pure beaten copper and is available in booklets of 25 leaves in size 140 x 140 mm. It is only suitable for indoor applications and oxidise very quickly without protective coating. We offer only type Loose for reasons of quality.
VARIEGATED METAL LEAF – Also known as Oxyd Metal has been specially treated with heat and acid in order to achieve a wide variety of shades and patterns. It is used for decorative indoor applications and has to be sealed.
Available in booklets of 25 leaves and size 140 x 140 mm. We offer following colouring:
Red / Green / Blue
IMITATION GOLD AND SILVER ON ROLL – Especially appropriate for gilding of lines, but also for large-surface gildings. Imitation Gold or Aluminium is pressed onto a continuous length of waxed paper. The roll or ribbon length is approx. 50 m and can be optional trimmed to any size required (width available from 10 mm up to 150 mm). Imitation Gold on Roll has to be covered with protective varnish against oxidation.
GILDERS CUSHION – A traditional tool for gilding, provides a soft surface for resting and cutting all kinds of metal leaf. Gilders cushion is available in various sizes and optional with fold down parchment windshield.
GILDERS KNIFE – Specially shaped knives with wooden handle designed for cutting and shaping loose gold leaf on a gilders cushion. Gilders knife is available in various blade length and types.It is sharpened to a pefect sharpness to cut the leaf without tearing.
AGATE STONE – Agate Stone or Burnisher are semi-precious stones in various designed shapes, placed in a ferrule and a wooden handle. Their colour ranges from whitish-transparent, greyish, reddish to brownish tones. This traditional tool is used to polish/burnish water gilded or silvered surfaces to achieve a brilliant and high gloss gold or silver leaf finish. Agate stones from Gerstendörfer are polished and afterwards matt sanded. Choose from 29 different shapes for any application.
BRUSH – Gerstendörfer offers high quality and selected brushes for every application. Gilders duster, gilders tip, brush for bole, polishing brush, glue brush, water gilding brsuh, fan brush, blender brush, badger brush and many more.
PEARL ORNAMENT PUNCH – Pearl-Ornament Punches are metal pins that have different motifs at the bottom. Punching is called the careful hammering of embellishments or recesses into the finished and burnished gilding (Water Gilding).
Gerstendörfer offers 12 different motifs.
CHALK AND POLIMENT SIEVE – Impurities of the starting material must be removed in the production of chalk and bole layers. Gerstendörfer provides you adequate tools for your work.
POLIMENT – Poliment, Bole or Burnishing clay is an specially prepared and refined clay for priming for water gilding. Some of the products we we supply are binder-free and will need to be mixed with skin glue before using.
It is supplied in a number of colours and moulds:
Poliment German Wet – Colour Piedmont-Red / Ligurian-Yellow / Apulian-Pink / Venetian-Green / Latium-Blue / Calabrian-Black / Campanian-Grey / Amalfi-Blue / Umbrian-White
Poliment German Dry – Colour Piedmont-Red / Ligurian-Yellow / Amalfi-Blue / Calabrian-Black / Campanian-Grey / Umbrian-White
Gerstendörfer Ready-To-Use Polishing Powder – Colour Oxyd-Red / Yellow / Black / White
CHALK – Chalk signifies natural rocks that arised by deposition of marine creatures and micro-organisms from around 70 million years ago. Chalk will primarily used in gildings (water gilding technique) as gesso.
Available chalk powders:
Bologneser Chalk / Champagner Chalk / China Clay / Stone Chalk Grey / Rügener Chalk / Marble Powder / Talcum / Borax / Gerstendörfer Ready-To-Use Chalk Powder
GLUE – Glue is primarily extracted from animal skins or animal bones. They are used in the preparation of gesso and glue sizes for gilding. Also suitable for priming of wood and plaster and as binder for cement etc.
Gerstendörfer offers a variety of products:
Skin Glue / Rabitt Skin Glue / Kölner Glue / Bone Glue / Gelatine
GILDING SIZE – An essential part of the gilding process, gilding size is the adhesive that glues the gold, silver or other metal leaf.
Gerstendörfer offers a wide range of gilding sizes for any gilding technique. We supply oil-based or water-based gilding size or the unique range of “Kölner”:
Mixtion Original Lefranc in 3 hours and 12 hours drying time / Gerstendörfer Synthetic-Water-Gold-Size / Gerstendörfer Water-Adhesive